“Dreams of Heaven” Novella — Christian, New Age or Beyond Labels?

Elizabeth M. Herrera

DOH-9780990349235-Perfect.inddThe inspiration for Dreams of Heaven came to me in a vivid dream. As a healer, I’ve learned to pay attention to vivid dreams, which are a rare occurrence, but always offer profound answers and insights. In this particular dream, Jesus Christ appeared and showed me four scenes. I knew when I awoke that I would write Dreams of Heaven. But why feature Jesus Christ? I’m not Christian. Although I do confess that Jesus is always a part of my shamanic healings (shamanism is a Native American practice) where he appears as a spirit guide. I suppose a Christian would say that Jesus comes to me in a focused prayer, but alas, enough with the labels.

So, one month after the dream and during a winter holiday break, I began to write. But how do you write a story that is not your own? I had no idea how the dream’s scenes would come together or how the story would end. In fact, I couldn’t even…

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